
Ode To Joy

Posted by tb4

It isn't the new year yet, and it is still insanely cold here. So I guess it isn't to late for a Christmas carol, especially since it is Beaker from the muppets. I saw this over at netorama and it is bloody brilliant.


Shepard Fairey Print

Posted by tb4

George Orwell x Shepard Fairey Print set

A couple of months ago, Shepard was approached by Penguin Books (UK) to do his take on the cover art for the literary classics, "1984" and "Animal Farm." Being that both books were inspirational and personal favorites of Shepard, this was a no brainer.

For the release, Penguin Books did a promotion selling the books with a cover art print set. These prints were only available in the UK...UNTIL NOW! The print set is available in a very limited quantity. The set will be released on 12/31 between noon and 3pm. They are offset prints, size A2 (about 17" x 24"), Edition of 200, signed/numbered. The print set will be available for $140.
Limited 1 set per person/household


City Of Hope

Posted by tb4

Brilliant and in my opinion a very effective campaign from the ad agency JWT Dubai out of UAE and creative director Chafic Haddad.

The challenge
Women who go through domestic abuse in the UAE are hesitant to speak or complain. City of Hope is the only organisation of its kind in Dubai that provides shelter to hundreds of women and hope to all the battered and bruised housewives. They wanted JWT Dubai to tackle this issue in a very sensitive yet effective manner, so as to raise awareness and encourage women to speak up.

JWT Dubai's Solution
JWT Dubai had to reach their target audience in an interesting and arresting manner. They distributed a different kind of beauty kit to women shopping in malls, especially when they are at cosmetics/beauty products stores or shops that cater exclusively to them.


Danilo Calvache

Posted by tb4

Fun design from Columbian industrial designer Danilo Calvache. It is a recontextualization of the billiard pull triangle used for starting the game, now used as tableware. Check out the rest of his work at his design blog, linked below.



Merry Christmas

Posted by tb4

Merry Christmas one and all, or happy holidays if you want to be politically correct. I'm out till next week so you all have a great holiday weekend, and I hope you get all kinds of great stuff.

The photos are from my little lady, check out her flickr stream here.


Green Peace

Posted by tb4

"Not all traditions deserve to be preserved. Put an end to whaling in Japan."

Beautifully designed and illustrated ads for the Green Peace campaign to stop whaling in Japan. These ads come from the ad agency of Leo Burnett out of Hong Kong and creative directors Connie Lo, Chong Kin and Yiu Man To. Check out the rest of the ad pieces below, they are as visually stunning as the first one.



Posted by tb4

I loved the Thundercats when I was little, and this "movie trailer" is just spectacular. The guys over at WormyTV have done a great job putting this together. I'm sure if they really made a Thundercats movie it would be absolutely terrible, but at least this trailer is good.


Jen Stark's Paper Art

Posted by tb4

A very nice video about the ridiculously good paper artist Jen Stark. Check out the previous posts about Jen Stark that were done here & here on Why Me. The interview was done by ArtStreet on WLRN South Florida.



Helene Ryenbakken

Posted by tb4

Helene Ryenbakken and four others made the 2009 agenda for Arctic Paper. Arctic Paper is a paper production company, and makes high quality, graphic fine paper. The agenda was given to graphic designers and art directors all over Norway and Denmark, and the purpose was to show off some paper qualities and promote Arctic Paper and Studio 3.

The theme of the agenda was computer and internet on paper. You have these expressions from the paper world that the internet and computer have borrowed, and now they borrowed them back – in an internet wrapping. You can browse, bookmark a page, cut/paste, chat etc.

A very cool and fun project from a great graphic designer, check out a few more photos from the Agenda 2009 project below. Then you can check out all of the work at Helene's portfolio linked below.



James Warfield

Posted by tb4

A nice bit of graphic design from UK based artist James Warfield. James is the Creative Director at Un.titled in the UK. On that site you'll see his approach to working.

"Our passion is to engage an audience; tease, tempt, entertain and compel with an elusive mix of big ideas and bold design. Never defined by one media, we move seamlessly between online and offline, creating astonishing brand experiences with some of the world’s most respected companies."
Alongside commercial work, he often create self-initiated art and design projects as Wig-01; Graphic Poetry published by Victionary, Previous/Next and a plethora of animations and web sites.

Check out a sampling of James work at his portfolio linked below, you will not be disappointed.



Wallpaper* City Guides

Posted by tb4

Wallpaper* City Guides
present a tightly edited, discreetly packaged list of the best a location has to offer the design conscious traveller. Here is a precise, informative, insider’s checklist of all you need to know about the world’s most intoxicating cities.

The box sets come in four styles, that cover four different topics. Art fairs, my favorite, beaches, businesses and fashion. The perfect gift for the world traveler in your family, you can get them for $50 each over at phaidon.com.

Whether you are staying for 48 hours or five days, visiting for business or a vacation, they’ve done the hard work for you, from finding the best restaurants, bars and hotels (including which rooms to request) to the most extraordinary stores and sites, and the most enticing architecture and design. Wallpaper* City Guides enable you to come away from your trip, however brief, with a real taste of the city’s landscape and the satisfaction you’ve seen all that you should.

In short, these guides act as a passport to the best the world has to offer.



Posted by tb4

Beautifully designed and illustrated ad from the ad agency New Moment New Ideas Company Y&R out of Belgrade, Serbia and creative director Dragan Sakan. The illustration is beautiful and it made me stop and check it out multiple times. The only problem I have with the ad is that if you don't know what Strada is there is nothing gained from this ad.


Cute things

Posted by tb4

Cute Things Falling Asleep, has to be one of the most sickeningly cute blogs ever. I just had to post the sleep dog, poor little guy can't even keep his head up.




Posted by tb4

This beautiful piece of furniture is "Christine" designed and built by Montreal based craftsman Alain Bélanger. Alain is a creative and passionate individual and more than anything he loves bringing his visions to life. He is a self-taught artist and craftsman, and a quite good one indeed. In 1999, Alain moved from engineering into designing and building contemporary limited-edition furniture.

Check out the top drawer, I'm not quite sure what you would keep in that drawer, but it is just spectacular. I want one of these, but I'm sure it is quite far out of my price range, most things I want are. Check out the rest of Alain's work at his site, linked below.



The Meaning Of Life

Posted by tb4

Great t-shirt design from London based designer and illustrator Aled Lewis. This t-shirt is up for voting at threadless, in their "Joy Of Text" contest, you can vote for it here. You can check out the rest of Aled's work at his portfolio linked below. Check out another one of Aled's designs that was featured here on why me.



Stop Talking Cards

Posted by tb4

The stop talking cards from New York based designer Alison Riley, have to be the best way to tell someone who just doesn't get it, to shut the f**k up. These cards are clean, fairly subtle and oh so effective. I need a pile of these for every time I got into a meeting or go out to a party. Check out the rest of Alison's work over at her site, linked below.



Tara McPherson:Love Blows

Posted by tb4

Tara McPherson is re-releasing her Love Blows print, the limited edition serigraph sold out. So Tara has re-printed the piece as a 13.5" x 24" offset lithographs on 8 pt cover, and they are signed. These prints are not limited edition, like the previous version, and will always be available. You can get it for $20 over at Tara's site.


Tara McPherson: Book

Posted by tb4

Tara McPherson ahs just finished the final touches on her new art book! The book goes to print this week and will be out by next April. Tara is hoping to have a couple cases of advance copies for Flatstock 20/SXSW in Austin in March. She is also planning a book tour in the US and Europe this summer, so be on the lookout for dates to be announced.

"Loss, love, and loneliness. Altered forms and transfigured ideas. Power and vulnerability. Parallel universes of the heart and mind. Space and time. In a few brief years, the stunning visual oeuvre of Tara McPherson has grown and evolved at thrilling speed. Expanding beyond the limits of rock poster art into the worlds of commercial illustration and fine art, her paintings, drawings, toys, sculptures, and installations have pushed her influence and authority across the breadth of creative expression and helped redefine the boundaries of pop surrealism. Lost Constellations: The Art of Tara McPherson Volume 2 is the compelling road map to the artist's most recent and ambitious journeys in paint, pencil, and sculpture."
You can pre-order the book right now over at tfaw.com, for $19.



Key Of Rock

Posted by tb4

Are you a rock star? Do you want to proclaim your rock star status with every fiber of your body? Do you want everything that you do, say, wear and use to say I am the biggest baddest best rock star in the world?

Well then I have key for you. The "Key Of Rock" from the London based creative design group Haniboii. Get it over at haniboi.com for 15 pounds, or about $23 US.



Dave Matthews

Posted by tb4

Joshua Budich was commisioned to make this print to raise money for the LeRoi Moore Memorial Fund. Check all the details below, or at Joshua's site, this is a great way to donate to a good cause and get a great print in return.

Limited-Edition of 100 prints
24"x18", 3-color Screenprint (incl. Metallic-Copper Ink), on cream matte paper.

This print is NOT FOR SALE! Instead, I will be distributed it via a lottery. I'm asking everyone who's interested to make a donation to the "LeRoi Moore Memorial Fund" (article on DMB website), by clicking on the "Donate" button to the right, or click here. DON'T FORGET to specify that your donation is going to the LeRoi Moore Memorial Fund!

After you've made your donation, please then send a copy of your receipt to me at, jbudich@gmail.com (PDF print-out of online receipt, or forward the confirmation email you'll receive). Your donation must be dated some time between December 16, 2008 and January 11, 2009 (12-noon PST, 3pm EST) to be eligible for this lottery. On January 11, 2009 (12-noon PST, 3pm EST) I will randomly choose 15 numbers from the total donations I receive, and those individuals will receive a "Dave" print.


Stas Aki

Posted by tb4

I am completely in love with this calendar design from Moscow based industrial designer Stas Aki. I really think you would need one of those sweet old school chromed out napkin dispensers to really make this calendar work. The napkins calendar is just fantastic, I would like one. Check out a few more photos below and the link to Stas's portfolio below that.

Check out the previous feature we did on Stas Aki, here on why me design.


Bruna Schuch

Posted by tb4

Just a concept right now but this calendar from Brazilian based designer and photographer Bruna Schuch is pretty sweet. Screen printed on wood, the movable nature of this design would make for a very interesting desktop calendar.



Ashraf Majiet

Posted by tb4

Really nicely done eco-friendly packaging from Dubai based designer Ashraf Majiet, for Illume bulbs.



Derek Hess

Posted by tb4

Great new four color serigraph from Cleveland-based artist Derek Hess. The piece is entitled "Presence" and is available from Derek's website for $150. A little about the print below and then the link to Derek's great portfolio below that. He has a ton of great work, and I know his poster section will be a great inspiration to me and anyone else out there who takes the time to check it out, take a look at the Obama poster it is phenomenal.

4 color serigraph, 20.5" x 13" edition of 200.

This piece is about a "presence", higher power, greater conscience, god, or whatever you believe it to be. The words are "presence" written in many different languages to illustrate the universal presence. No one religion has a copyright on angels, they all basically come from the same source. The white of the wings and hair are the white of the paper.


MWM Holiday Gift Guide

Posted by tb4

Matt from MWM graphics contacted me the other day with a great link to his holiday gift guide. I have to say I am a huge fan of his "Cycles & Seasons 2009 Calendar Set", number one one his gift guide. Check out the rest of this great designers work over at his portfolio, or his blog, both linked below.

mwm graphics
mwm blog



Posted by tb4

Great new t-shirt over at threadless,Freaks In The Fun House by Aled Lewis. Get it for $15.


Alphabet Shoot

Posted by tb4

One summer afternoon in August this year digital artist olimax brought 60 subjects together for a session of portraits for a book .

Each subject was given a letter of the alphabet and, after the portrait, was asked to voice their favourite words of that letter to camera.

This curiously compulsive film is a record of that event.

Part 1

Part 2

Check out the previous post on Alphabet Shoot.


Socket Deers

Posted by tb4

The socket deer are electrical outlet covers that let you put your mobile phone on the wall as it recharges. The socket deer were designed by Japan based industrial designer Oki Sato, for his company nendo. The antlers for all three types of deer are already the perfect shape to hold things, so Oki Sato hardly had to modify the forms at all. The tough urethane rubber Oki used for the cover holds handsets tightly, and also protects the antlers from breakage should you bump into them. Socket-deer can also be used as a cover for light switches, and the antlers make an excellent hook for keys or accessories.



Lilach Lotan Pottery

Posted by tb4

Very fun teapot from talented duo making up Lilach Lotan Pottery. The driving teapot was created by the Canada based team of Lilach & Ron Lotan. Lilach Lotan Pottery was established in 2003 and has since changed from a generalized combined Studio for Pottery and Jewelery, into an Innovative approach to Ceramic Art and Design. Check out the rest of their fantastic work at their webiste, linked below.

lilach lotan pottery


Bomb Tissue Cover

Posted by tb4

I just found this funny, and a little odd. It is called the bomb tissue cover and yet is has a weight of 100 tons on it, strange. It seems like they are more going for the look of a weight than a bomb. Either way you can get it here for $29.



Alberto Seveso

Posted by tb4

Alberto Seveso is back at it, and now he can add the cover of ESPN the magazine to his list of fantastic work. Check out the rest of his work at his portfolio linked below. Also check out the previous post on Alberto Seveso, here.



James Craig

Posted by tb4

Absolutely stunning nature photography from US based photographer James Craig. These are from his Acadia National Park series, originally photographed back in 1982. You can find a couple more images from this series below, and the portfolio links below that.



Mad Scientist's First Blocks

Posted by tb4

Oh my god these are just phenomenal. They are a young mad scientist's first alphabet blocks, each block measures 1 3/8 inches square and depicts six mad science concepts and the appropriate letters.

The set includes all 26 letters of the alphabet on five blocks ,six illustrations per block.Each side started out as one of our original pen-and-ink drawings that we have carefully laser engraved onto a solid block of American maple wood.

At Xylocopa they don't use any dyes or harmful finishes on the blocks and all of their edges are rounded and smooth. A complete list of the images represented by the letters is as follows:

A - Appendages
B - Bioengineering
C - Caffeine
D - Dirigible
E - Experiment
F - Freeze ray
G - Goggles
H - Henchmen
I - Invention
J - Jargon
K - Potassium
L - Laser
M - Maniacal
N - Nanotechnology
O - Organs
P - Peasants (with Pitchforks)
Q - Quantum physics
R - Robot
S - Self-experimentation
T - Tentacles
U - Underground Lair
V - Virus
W - Wrench
X - X-Ray
Y - You, the Mad Scientist of Tomorrow
Z - Zombies

Get them over at xylocopa.com for $40.



Posted by tb4

I just can't get enough of this song, hometown glory, from UK singer songwriter Adele, it is from her debut CD "19". I haven't had a chance to listen to the entire CD but what I have heard of it is just plain wonderful. Maybe I'll get the CD for Christmas, wouldn't that be nice. Just for fun check out the High Contrast remix below, this remix is actually where I first heard of Adele.



Posted by tb4

How cute is this little magazine holder. The MagBag is stylish and modern way to keep your magazines neat and at hand! Glossy white coated metal. Made in Sweden and designed by Malin Lundmark. Get it here for $112.



Posted by tb4

My buddy Dodge over at MOKB pointed me to these oh so sweet watches today. Nooka watches are the brainchild of artist and designer, Matthew Waldman. The linear and graphic representation of time with Nooka timepieces presents a more intuitive way to view time. The visual mass increases as time passes, giving weight to an ephemeral and abstract concept. Nooka has an large collection of watches anywhere from $140 to $3000 and above. They really remind me of all the tokyoflash watches, with a bit more class.

The watch above is the Zon MR, you can get it over at the Nooka site for $650. There is a bit more about the watch below, and a link to the company website below that, check out the site it is really well designed and very clean looking.

"Nooka proudly presents the Nooka zon- our newest and most exclusive timepiece to date. The zon features a dual display. One display measures time much like an hour- glass, where each minute of the day is marked by a small block falling into place on the display. The second display provides a digital time reading. Additionally, the zon is a world-time watch, quickly providing the current hour in all 24 time zones. Available in black and white with leather strap and butterfly buckle, and mirror with mesh band. The zon is packaged with a spring bar tool and screwdriver so user can customize strap position: flush left, flush right or center."


Pets Eye View Camera

Posted by tb4

I may have to get this pets eye view camera for my dog, seems like it would make for a great project. A year in the life of a dog. Although it might not be a very interesting project, I'm sure I would get a lot of shots of the floor, she is a lazy dog. Or I would get a bunch shots of her trying to eat my other dog, he is little, I think she thinks he is a toy. It could be fun.


Bamboo Type Coasters

Posted by tb4

Good news! Type coasters are once again on sale after being temporarily discontinued for redesigning in September. Now they’re back with MUCH better quality, and made from bamboo, a highly renewable and “green” resource. You can get a set of four unique coasters, 4 inches in diameter, done in Baskerville semibold, for $45. Get them over at supermarkethq.com.


New design Coming

Posted by tb4

So I'm implementing a new design today, so if the site explodes while you are on it, or if it just looks quite odd don't worry. I'm saving the old design just in case I completely screw up this up.


20 Stock Photos

Posted by tb4

Over at abduzeedo.com they have selected 20 of the best stock packages, of every kind you can imagine from resurgere stock, get over to abduzeedo and take a look and make sure to grab the ones you like! I grabbed the fire one, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with those stock photos yet but they are very nice.