
Escala Comunication and Marketing

Posted by tb4

Fairly clever ads from Escala Comunication and Marketing out of Brazil and art directors Marcelo Peresin, Pedro Perurena and Gabriel Costa. When I first saw these I thought great ads simple clever and a good message to get behind, getting school supplies for kids who doesn't want to help out kids. Upon looking at them a bit closer there are a few things that could be changed to make them better more effective ads. First off pencils don't just run out, if it were pens it would work great, and where the heck do I donate to, there should probably be something about where to donate on these.


Anonymous said...

That would be cool if they were in Portuguese; Obviously fake ads only made to generate buzz in sites like this very one.

Anonymous said...

The originals are in portuguese. And it is a annual campaign from Anchieta school to donate supplies. The donnations can be made at the school.

Anonymous said...

These ads were originally in Portuguese, they are by no means fake. They were translated for festival entry purposes.